The mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Jude 21
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Songs of Triumph, edited by John S. Inskip (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: National Publishing Association for Promotion of Holiness, 1882), page 92. Some hymnals give the author as Henrietta Blair, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: William J. Kirkpatrick (🔊
Thanks be to Jesus, His mercy is free,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Sinner, that mercy is flowing for thee,
Mercy is boundless and free.
If thou art willing on Him to believe,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Life everlasting thy soul may receive,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Jesus the Savior is looking for thee,
Looking for thee, looking for thee;
Lovingly, tenderly calling for thee,
Calling and looking for thee.
Why on the mountain of sin wilt thou roam?
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Gently the Spirit is calling, Come home,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Thou art in darkness, O come to the light,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Jesus is waiting, He’ll save you tonight,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Think of His goodness, His patience, and love,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Pleading thy cause with His Father above,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Come and repenting, O give Him your heart,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Grieve Him no longer, but come as thou art,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Yes, there is pardon for all who believe,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Come and this moment a blessing receive,
Mercy is boundless and free.
Jesus is waiting, O hear Him proclaim,
Mercy is free, mercy is free;
Cling to His mercy, believe on His name,
Mercy is boundless and free.