Scripture Verse

The martyrs of Jesus. Revelation 17:6


John M. Neale (1818–1866)


Words: Au­thor un­known, 8th Cen­tu­ry (Sanc­to­rum me­ri­tis in­cli­ta gau­dia). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John M. Neale in The Hym­nal Not­ed, 1854.

Music: Das herr­lich hohe Fest Chris­toph Pe­ter, cir­ca 1674 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Pe­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The mer­its of the saints,
Blessèd for ev­er­more,
Their love that ne­ver faints,
The toils they brave­ly bore—
For these the Church to­day
Pours forth her joy­ous lay—
These vic­tors win the nob­lest bay.

They, whom the world of ill,
While it yet held, ab­horred;
Its wi­ther­ing flow­ers that still
They spurned with one ac­cord—
They knew them short lived all,
And fol­lowed at Thy call,
King Je­su, to Thy heav­en­ly hall.

Like sheep their blood they poured,
And with­out groan or tear,
They bent be­fore the sword,
For that their king most dear:
Their souls, se­rene­ly blest,
In pa­tience they pos­sessed,
And looked in hope to­wards their rest.

What tongue may here de­clare,
Fancy or thought des­cry,
The joys Thou dost pre­pare
For these Thy saints on high!
Empurpled in the flood
Of their vic­to­ri­ous blood,
They won the laur­el from their God.

To Thee, O Lord most high,
One in three Per­sons still,
To par­don us we cry,
And to pre­serve from ill:
Here give Thy ser­vants peace,
Hereafter glad re­lease,
And plea­sures that shall ne­ver cease.