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Scripture Verse

There remaineth…a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:9


Hans A. Brorson

Words: Hans A. Bror­son (1694–1764) (O Hel­lig Aand! mit Hier­te). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Vic­tor O. Pe­ter­sen (1864–1929).

Music: Os­kar Ahn­felt (1813–1882) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pe­ter­sen (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Oskar Ahnfelt (1813–1882)


My heart is yearn­ing ev­er
To reach a place of rest.
Jerusalem, my hap­py home,
In thee my heart shall nev­er
By sin or grief be pressed.
My heart is yearn­ing ev­er
To reach that ci­ty bright.

Within its ra­di­ant por­tals
None ev­er sheds a tear;
God’s ci­ty bright gives all de­light,
No grief nor wail or mor­tals
Is where the Lamb is near;
Within its ra­di­ant por­tals
None ev­er sheds a tear.

Their bless­èd Lord and Sav­ior
Doth rule and go­vern them
In peace and joy, with­out al­loy,
For sin can en­ter nev­er
The new Je­ru­sa­lem;
Their bless­èd Lord and Sav­ior
Doth rule and go­vern them.

Behold the goal in glo­ry,
Now shin­ing from afar.
O city of the God of love,
Where no more earth­ly worry
My hap­pi­ness shall mar!
Behold the goal in glo­ry,
Now shin­ing from afar.

And ev­en I shall con­quer
In Je­sus’ name and might;
Tho’ weak and faint, still as a saint
I’ll in the ha­ven an­chor,
Sweet ha­ven of de­light.
Yea, ev­en I shall con­quer
In Je­sus’ name and might.