Scripture Verse

When You ascended on high, You led captives in Your train. Psalm 68:18


William C. Wilbor (1852–1917)

Words: Will­iam C. Wil­bor, 1885.

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Wil­bor,

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Jesus the migh­ty Con­quer­or,
Now ris­es from the tomb,
His re­sur­rect­ion glo­ry
Dispels its chill­ing gloom.
While, from its op­en por­tals,
An an­gel, clad in light,
Doth re­veal to mortals
The tri­umphs of His might.


For the Lord hath ris­en,
The Lord hath ris­en,
The Lord hath ris­en,
And con­quered ev­ery foe.

The grave its aw­ful con­quest
O’er man for ages won;
Defeated, now sur­rend­ers
To God’s vic­to­ri­ous Son;
The migh­ty Con­q’ror, cap­tive
Now leads cap­ti­vi­ty,
Precious gifts be­stow­ing
Of life and li­ber­ty.


Death’s pow­er for­e’er is brok­en,
God’s saints no long­er mourn;
Its sting can bring no tor­ture,
For Christ the curse hath borne;
His glo­ri­ous ex­al­ta­tion
Let men and an­gels sing;
Jesus, migh­ty Con­q’ror!
In earth and Hea­ven is King.
