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Scripture Verse

We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1


Words: Va­ri­ous­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar or Cates­by Pa­get (though the con­sen­sus of hym­nals points to Bo­nar).

Music: Ev­an Will­iam H. Ha­ver­gal, 1847. Ar­ranged by Low­ell Ma­son in New Car­mi­na Sac­ra (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1850) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good picture of Pa­get (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


A mind at per­fect peace with God,
Oh! what a word is this!
A sin­ner re­con­ciled through blood;
This, this in­deed is peace!

By na­ture and by prac­tice far,
How ve­ry far from God!
Yet now by grace brought nigh to Him,
Through faith in Je­sus’ blood.

So near, so ve­ry near to God,
I can­not near­er be;
Yet in the per­son of His Son
I am as near as He.

So dear, so ve­ry dear to God,
More dear I can­not be;
The love where with He loves the Son:
Such is His love to me!

Why should I ev­er care­ful be,
Since such a God is mine?
He watch­es o’er me night and day,
And tells me Mine is thine.