Scripture Verse

Conformed to the image of His Son. Romans 8:29


Frederick Merrick (1810–1894)

Words: Fred­er­ick Mer­rick, in Dew Drops of Sac­red Song (New York; Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio; Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois & St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: Phi­lip Phil­lips and Hitch­cock & Wal­den, 1870), num­ber 84.

Music: Tul­li­us C. O’Kane (🔊 pdf nwc).

Tullius O’Kane (1830–1912)


More like Je­sus, more like Je­sus I would be;
More like Je­sus in sub­mis­sion,
Like Him trust­ful, un­re­pin­ing,
Patient like Him, like Him in hu­mil­ity,


More and more, more and more,
More and more like Je­sus ev­ery day.
More and more, more and more,
More like Je­sus ev­ery day.

More like Je­sus, more like Je­sus would I be;
More like Je­sus, true and stead­fast,
Like Him stri­ving, ev­er do­ing,
Earnest like Him, like Him in fi­de­li­ty.


Blessèd Je­sus, come and make me all like Thee;
All like Thee, O bless­èd Je­sus,
In the glo­ry of Thy man­hood,
In the beau­ty of Thy spot­less pu­ri­ty.
