Conformed to the image of His Son.
Romans 8:29
Words: Frederick Merrick, in Dew Drops of Sacred Song (New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, Illinois & St. Louis, Missouri: Philip Phillips and Hitchcock & Walden, 1870), number 84.
Music: Tullius C. O’Kane (🔊
More like Jesus, more like Jesus I would be;
More like Jesus in submission,
Like Him trustful, unrepining,
Patient like Him, like Him in humility,
More and more, more and more,
More and more like Jesus every day.
More and more, more and more,
More like Jesus every day.
More like Jesus, more like Jesus would I be;
More like Jesus, true and steadfast,
Like Him striving, ever doing,
Earnest like Him, like Him in fidelity.
Blessèd Jesus, come and make me all like Thee;
All like Thee, O blessèd Jesus,
In the glory of Thy manhood,
In the beauty of Thy spotless purity.