Scripture Verse

God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Ecclesiastes 12:14


Words: John Need­ham, Hymns De­vo­tion­al and Mo­ral on Va­ri­ous Sub­jects (Bris­tol, Eng­land: S. Far­ley, 1768), num­ber 231.

Music: Dib­din, from the Stand­ard Psalm Tune-Book, 1852. At­trib­ut­ed there­in to Dr. Jack­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Jack­son’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him or Need­ham,


Mortals, give ear, the aw­ful day,
The last, the great as­size,
Advances swift as min­utes fly
The guil­ty to sur­prise.

That eye which sees thro’ dark­est shades
Of se­cre­cy and night;
That ear which ev­ery whis­per hears
Shall bring each deed to light.

How will the guil­ty trem­bling stand
To see their sins re­vealed?
And all their thoughts made pub­lic then
Which lay before con­cealed.

Horror and ang­uish seize their souls,
Despoiled of each dis­guise:
Despair now racks their guil­ty breasts,
And hope for ev­er dies.

Not so the right­eous—they shall stand,
Nor ven­geance them af­fright:
The Judge who good­ness loves will bring
Their sec­ret good to light.

Blushing with joy, the saint shall hear
Each pi­ous deed pro­claimed;
And see his name with hon­or shine
By ma­lice once de­famed.

Thus by an in­ter­pos­ing sphere
The sun is veiled in night,
But soon he shows his face with all
The ma­jes­ty of light.