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Scripture Verse

All things are ready: come unto the marriage. Matthew 22:4


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1890.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 ).

William J. Kirkpatrick


Tenderly, soft and clear
Music and love we hear,
In our Sab­bath dwell­ing,
Songs of rap­ture swell­ing.
Gently their wings they blend,
Sweetly their voic­es blend,
Songs of ho­ly rap­ture swell­ing;
List to their car­ol,
Joyful now they say,
Come to the Sav­ior,
Gladly haste away,
Come to the ba­nquet
Waiting you to­day,
Waiting for one and all.


Tenderly, soft and clear
Music and love we hear,
In our Sab­bath dwell­ing,
Songs of rap­ture swell­ing.
Gently their wings they blend,
Sweetly their voic­es blend,
Songs of ho­ly rap­ture swell­ing.

Over the morn­ing land,
Over its gold­en strand,
Oft they roam de­light­ed,
Hand in hand unit­ed,
Over the land of flow­ers,
Over its ver­nal bow­ers,
Love and mu­sic roam unit­ed.
Now, on their pin­ions,
Fair and snowy white,
Laved in a fount­ain,
Sparkling, pure and bright,
Come as an ar­row
From the vales of light,
Comfort they bring to all.


Tell us, ye sis­ters fair,
Wearing your gar­lands rare,
Rose and li­ly twin­ing,
All their charms com­bin­ing,
Tell us of Him whose eye
Watcheth be­yond the sky,
O’er our path, in beau­ty shin­ing;
Still they are sing­ing,
Hear their tune­ful lay,
Come to the Sav­ior,
Trust Him while you may,
Come to the ban­quet
Waiting you to­day,
Waiting for one and all.
