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Scripture Verse

Ye shall have a song…and gladness of heart. Isaiah 30:29


Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905)

Words: Hen­ry Bur­ton, in Gates Ajar (Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. H. Kurz­en­kna­be & Sons, 1885), page 45.

Music: Nantes Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905) (🔊 ) (re­peats last line of each verse).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bur­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The world is full of sing­ing,
I hear it ev­ery­where;
The flow­ers their bells are ring­ing
Out on the scent­ed air;
And up above, around me,
The si­lent an­thems roll,
For the glo­ri­ous Lord has found me,
And there’s mu­sic in my soul;
For the glo­ri­ous Lord has found me,
And there’s mu­sic in my soul.

My heart was fond of sigh­ing,
With just some breaks of song,
As self was ev­er try­ing
To make its weak­ness strong;
But now in Him con­fid­ing,
His Word has made me whole,
And ev­er in Christ abid­ing,
There’s mu­sic in my soul.
And ev­er in Christ abid­ing,
There’s mu­sic in my soul.

My heart was full of sad­ness,
Of over-weigh­ty care,
But now the oil of glad­ness
Has turned to praise the pray­er;
And so I keep pur­su­ing
And press to­wards the goal;
But pray­ing, wait­ing, do­ing,
There’s mu­sic in my soul;
But pray­ing, wait­ing, do­ing,
There’s mu­sic in my soul.

And so my heart keeps sing­ing
Unto the Mas­ter’s Word,
And it is al­ways sing­ing
Just like a spring­time bird.
I know not what the harps may be
When the heav’n­ly an­thems roll,
But I know that Heav’n is near to me,
For there’s mu­sic in my soul;
But I know that Heav’n is near to me,
For there’s mu­sic in my soul.