Ye shall have a song…and gladness of heart.
Isaiah 30:29
Words: Henry Burton, in Gates Ajar (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: J. H. Kurzenknabe & Sons, 1885), page 45.
Music: Nantes Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905) (🔊
) (repeats last line of each verse).
If you know where to get a good photo of Burton (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The world is full of singing,
I hear it everywhere;
The flowers their bells are ringing
Out on the scented air;
And up above, around me,
The silent anthems roll,
For the glorious Lord has found me,
And there’s music in my soul;
For the glorious Lord has found me,
And there’s music in my soul.
My heart was fond of sighing,
With just some breaks of song,
As self was ever trying
To make its weakness strong;
But now in Him confiding,
His Word has made me whole,
And ever in Christ abiding,
There’s music in my soul.
And ever in Christ abiding,
There’s music in my soul.
My heart was full of sadness,
Of over-weighty care,
But now the oil of gladness
Has turned to praise the prayer;
And so I keep pursuing
And press towards the goal;
But praying, waiting, doing,
There’s music in my soul;
But praying, waiting, doing,
There’s music in my soul.
And so my heart keeps singing
Unto the Master’s Word,
And it is always singing
Just like a springtime bird.
I know not what the harps may be
When the heav’nly anthems roll,
But I know that Heav’n is near to me,
For there’s music in my soul;
But I know that Heav’n is near to me,
For there’s music in my soul.