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Scripture Verse

O bless our God, ye people, and make the voice of His praise to be heard. Psalm 66:8


Words: Ben­ja­min Rhodes, in his po­em Mes­si­ah, 1787.

Music: Cru­sa­der’s Hymn Schles­ische Volks­lied­er (Si­le­si­an Folk Songs), 1842 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Rhodes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


My heart and voice I raise,
To spread Mes­si­ah’s praise;
Messiah’s praise let all re­peat:
The uni­vers­al Lord,
By whose al­migh­ty Word
Creation rose in form com­plete.

A ser­vant’s form He wore,
And in His body bore
Our dread­ful curse on Cal­va­ry:
He like a vic­tim stood,
And poured His sac­red blood,
To set the guil­ty cap­tive free.

But soon the Vic­tor rose
Triumphant o’er His foes,
And led the van­quished host in chains;
He threw their em­pire down,
His foes com­pelled to own—
O’er all, the great Mes­si­ah reigns.

With mer­cy’s mild­est grace,
He gov­erns all our race,
In wis­dom, right­eous­ness, and love:
Who to Mes­si­ah fly
Shall find re­demp­tion nigh,
And all His great sal­va­tion prove.

Hail, Sav­ior, Prince of Peace!
Thy king­dom shall in­crease,
Till all the world Thy glo­ry see;
And right­eous­ness abound,
As the great deep pro­found,
And fill the earth with pu­ri­ty!