Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Franklin L. Eiland, New Hosannas (Fort Worth, Texas: Quartet Music, 1906), number 13.
Music: Thomas S. Cobb (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Eiland or Cobb, would you send us an e-mail?
Are you seeking heavenly, peaceful rest?
Look only to Jesus, dear one;
It is there, and only there, it is found,
Outside of His kingdom there’s none!
No peaceful rest, outside of the kingdom of God!
None for thy breast, outside of the kingdom of God!
Go ye into it, and this glory claim—
Make now for this bounty thy run—
Haste away, it there to obtain, for sure—
Outside of His kingdom there’s none!
There, this peaceful rest is awaiting thee—
Sad soul, wilt thou let it be won?
Seek thou, it, thro’ Jesus, who says, Come in,
Outside of His kingdom there’s none!