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Scripture Verse

From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife. Mark 10:6–7


Magnus B. Landstad

Words: Mag­nus B. Land­stad, 1861 (I Hus og Hjem, hvor Mand og Viv). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by Ole T. Ar­ne­son, 1908, alt.

Music: Kommt her zu mir Ger­man tune, cir­ca 1400 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ar­ne­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O bless­èd home where man and wife
Together lead a god­ly life
By deeds their faith con­fess­ing!
There ma­ny a hap­py day is spent,
There Je­sus glad­ly will con­sent
To tar­ry with His bless­ing.

If they have giv­en Him their heart,
The place of ho­nor set apart
For Him each night and mor­row,
Then He the storms of life will calm,
Will bring for ev­ery wound a balm,
And change to joy their sor­row.

And if their home be dark and drear,
The cruse be emp­ty, hun­ger near,
All hope with­in them dy­ing,
Let them des­pair not in dis­tress;
Lo, Christ is there the bread to bless,
The frag­ments mul­ti­ply­ing.

O Lord, we come be­fore Thy face;
In ev­ery home be­stow Thy grace
On child­ren, fa­ther, mo­ther,
Relieve their wants, their bur­dens ease,
Let them to­ge­ther dwell in peace
And love to one an­oth­er.