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Scripture Verse

There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee…and both Jesus was called, and His disciples. John 2:1–2


Words: George H. Bourne, 1867. Bourne wrote this hymn for the wed­ding of his sis­ter, who mar­ried All­an Bech­er Webb, fu­ture Bi­shop of Bloem­fon­tein, South Af­ri­ca.

Music: Mar­tyr­dom Hugh Wil­son, 1800. Ar­ranged by Ralph E. Hud­son, cir­ca 1885 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bourne or Wil­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O Christ, the King of hu­man life,
In roy­al boun­ty pour
On these Thy ser­vants, man and wife,
Thy bless­ing ev­er­more.

On ties of home, in life, in death,
Thy seal di­vine was set:
Those thir­ty years at Na­za­reth
Thou, Lord, re­mem­ber­est yet!

And by these ho­ly years, we pray,
To these Thine own be nigh:
Their com­mon life from day to day
Direct and sanc­ti­fy.

At Cana’s mar­riage first didst Thou
Thy glo­ry ma­ni­fest;
Oh, come to be among us now
A won­der-work­ing guest!

Poor weak­ly ele­ments are ours,
But wealth and might are Thine:
Rule earth­ly life by heav­en­ly pow­ers,
The wa­ter change to wine!

And in Thy faith, and in Thy fear,
May these unit­ed be,
True type of those es­pous­als dear
Between Thy Church and Thee.

So let them both at last at­tain
That bet­ter coun­try’s coast,
Where with the Fa­ther Thou dost reign
And with the Ho­ly Ghost.