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Scripture Verse

Thou, Lord, art high above all the earth. Psalm 97:9


Wilson T. Hogue

Words: Wil­son T. Hogue, in the Free Me­tho­dist Hym­nal (Wi­no­na Lake, In­di­ana: Free Me­tho­dist Pub­lish­ing House, 1910), num­ber 8.

Music: Glad­den Tho­ro Har­ris (🔊 ).

Thoro Harris (1874–1955)


O God, Thou high and lof­ty One,
Transcending all the roll­ing spheres,
Who wast, and art, and art to come,
The same through ev­er­last­ing years.
Thee would we wor­ship and adore,
Thy name ex­tol for­ev­er­more.

Thou art the fram­er of the skies;
The heav’ns Thy glo­ry do de­clare;
And na­ture’s won­drous mys­ter­ies,
In earth and sky and sea and air,
Thy im­man­ence fore’er pro­claim
Throughout her uni­vers­al frame.

To all Thy works thy pow­er ex­tends;
Omnipotent we know Thou art;
Thy wis­dom match­less com­pre­hends
The uni­verse in ev­ery part:
Past, pre­sent, fu­ture, un­to Thee
Are known—one vast eter­ni­ty.

Thou art Thy­self in ev­ery place,
Infinite life and light and love,
Confined to nei­ther time nor space;
None from Thy pre­sence can re­move,
Nor any soul hide aught from Thee,
Whose pre­sence fills im­men­si­ty.

Prostrate be­fore Thy throne we fall,
With rev­er­ence wor­ship and adore;
Thou art Je­ho­vah, ov­er all,
God bless­èd now and ev­er­more;
Unworthy we to lisp thy name,
Yet just­ly Thou our praise dost claim.

Search Thou our hearts, try all with­in;
Our hearts are op­en, Lord, to Thee;
And if Thou seest aught un­clean,
From its de­file­ment set us free;
Then lead us forth from day to day
Within the ev­er­last­ing way.