There will be no night there.
Revelation 21:25
Words: Samuel A. W. Duffield, 1875.
Music: Ewing Alexander Ewing, 1853 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good photo of Ewing (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Oh, land relieved from sorrow!
Oh, land secure from tears!
Oh, respite on the morrow
From all the toil of years!
To thee we hasten ever,
To thee our steps ascend,
Where darkness cometh never,
And joy shall never end.
Oh, happy, holy portal
For God’s own blest elect;
Oh, region, pure, immortal,
With better spring bedecked;
Thy pearly doors for ever
Their welcome shall extend,
Where darkness cometh never,
And joy shall never end.
Oh, home where God the Father
Takes all His children in;
Where Christ the Son shall gather
The sinners saved from sin;
No night nor fear shall sever
A friend from any friend,
For darkness cometh never,
And joy shall never end.
Rise, then, O brightest morning!
Come, then, triumphant day
When into new adorning
We change and pass away;
For so with firm endeavor
Our spirits gladly tend
Where darkness cometh never,
And joy shall never end.