Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:14
Words & Music: O. Burke Culpepper, Sr., in Tears and Triumphs No. 3, with Leander Pickett & Elisha A. Hoffman (Louisville, Kentucky: Pickett Publishing, 1902), number 97, alt. (🔊
Oh, suffer the children to come,
said Jesus,
Suffer them to come unto Me,
For such as these is the heav’nly kingdom,
Then let them come unto Me.
Children, children, do you love Jesus?
Do you love Him with all your heart?
Children, children, do you love Jesus?
Then from all of His teachings ne’er depart.
Yes, Jesus died for the little children,
And that means you and me;
For us He made a home in Heaven,
Where we’ll dwell eternally.
Say, did you ever work for Jesus?
Then work for Him today;
For Jesus Christ our blessèd Master,
Says ever work, watch and pray.