Scripture Verse

Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14


O. Burke Culpepper, Sr. (1880–1948)

Words & Mu­sic: O. Burke Cul­pep­per, Sr., in Tears and Tri­umphs No. 3, with Le­an­der Pick­ett & Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky: Pick­ett Pub­lish­ing, 1902), num­ber 97, alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).


Oh, suf­fer the child­ren to come, said Je­sus,
Suffer them to come un­to Me,
For such as these is the heav’n­ly king­dom,
Then let them come unto Me.


Children, child­ren, do you love Je­sus?
Do you love Him with all your heart?
Children, child­ren, do you love Je­sus?
Then from all of His teach­ings ne’er de­part.

Yes, Je­sus died for the lit­tle child­ren,
And that means you and me;
For us He made a home in Hea­ven,
Where we’ll dwell eter­nal­ly.


Say, did you ev­er work for Je­sus?
Then work for Him to­day;
For Je­sus Christ our bless­èd Mas­ter,
Says ev­er work, watch and pray.
