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Scripture Verse

He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6


Words: Will­iam C. Plun­ket, in the Ir­ish Church Hym­nal, 1873.

Music: Kirn John P. Tay­lor (1871–1936) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tay­lor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William C. Plunket


Our Lord Christ hath ris­en!
The tempt­er is foiled;
His le­gions are scat­tered,
His strong­holds are spoiled.
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! O sing, al­le­lu­ia!
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! be joy­ful and sing,
Our great foe is baf­fled,
Christ Je­sus is king!

O Death, we de­fy thee!
A strong­er than thou
Hath en­tered thy pal­ace;
We fear thee not now!
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! O sing, al­le­lu­ia!
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! be joy­ful and sing,
Death cannot af­fright us,
Christ Je­sus is king!

O Sin, thou art van­quished,
Thy long reign is o’er;
Though still thou dost vex us,
We dread thee no more.
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! O sing, al­le­lu­ia!
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! be joy­ful and sing,
Who now can con­demn us,
Christ Je­sus is king!

Our Lord Christ hath ris­en!
Day break­eth at last;
The long night of weep­ing
Is now well nigh past.
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! O sing, al­le­lu­ia!
O sing, al­le­lu­ia! be joy­ful and sing,
Our foes are all con­quered,
Christ Je­sus is king!