Scripture Verse

I will extol Thee, my God, O King; and I will bless Thy name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:1


Words: Scot­tish Psal­ter, 1650.

Music: Do­vers­dale Sam­uel Stan­ley (1767–1822) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Stan­ley (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O Lord, Thou art my God and king;
Thee will I mag­ni­fy and praise:
I will Thee bless, and glad­ly sing
Unto Thy ho­ly name always.

Each day I rise I will Thee bless,
And praise Thy name time with­out end.
Much to be praised, and great God is;
His great­ness none can com­pre­hend.

Race shall Thy works praise un­to race,
The migh­ty acts show done by Thee.
I will speak of the glo­ri­ous grace,
And hon­or of Thy ma­jes­ty;

Thy won­drous works I will re­cord.
By men the might shall be ex­tolled
Of all Thy dread­ful acts, O Lord:
And I Thy great­ness will un­fold.

They ut­ter shall abun­dant­ly
The me­mo­ry of Thy good­ness great;
And shall sing prais­es cheer­ful­ly,
Whilst they Thy right­eous­ness re­late.

The Lord our God is gra­cious,
Compassionate is He al­so;
In mer­cy He is plen­te­ous,
But un­to wrath and an­ger slow.

Good un­to all men is the Lord:
O’er all His works His mer­cy is.
Thy works all praise to Thee af­ford:
Thy saints, O Lord, Thy name shall bless.

The glo­ry of Thy king­dom show
Shall they, and of Thy pow­er tell:
That so men’s sons His deeds may know,
His king­dom’s grace that doth ex­cel.

Thy king­dom hath none end at all,
It doth through ag­es all remain.
The Lord up­hold­eth all that fall,
The cast-down rais­eth up again.

The eyes of all things, Lord, at­tend,
And on Thee wait that here do live,
And Thou, in sea­son due, dost send
Sufficient food them to re­lieve.

Yea, Thou Thine hand dost op­en wide,
And ev­ery thing dost sa­tis­fy
That lives, and doth on earth abide,
Of Thy great li­be­ra­li­ty.

The Lord is just in His ways all,
And ho­ly in His works each one.
He’s near to all that on Him call,
Who call in truth on Him alone.

God will the just de­sire ful­fill
Of such as do Him fear and dread:
Their cry re­gard, and hear He will,
And save them in the time of need.

The Lord pre­serves all, more and less,
That bear to Him a lov­ing heart:
But work­ers all of wick­ed­ness
Destroy will He, and clean sub­vert.

Therefore my mouth and lips I’ll frame
To speak the prais­es of the Lord:
To mag­ni­fy His ho­ly name
For ever let all flesh ac­cord.