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Scripture Verse

Fear the Lord thy God, and serve Him. Deuteronomy 6:13


Words: Hen­ri­et­ta O. Do­bree, in the Child­ren’s Hymn Book, by Fran­ces Brock, 1881.

Music: Eu­ro­pa Ma­ry A. Side­bo­tham, 1881 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Do­bree or Side­bo­tham (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


O my God, I fear Thee!
Thou art ve­ry high,
Yet to us, Thy child­ren,
Thou art al­ways nigh,
Far re­moved from mor­tal sight,
Dwelling in eter­nal light.

O my God, I fear Thee!
Yet I come in pray­er,
For my Sav­ior tells me
I need not des­pair;
Tells me of a Fa­ther’s love,
And a home pre­pared above.

Never earth­ly fa­ther
Loveth like to Thee;
Thou dost guide and par­don
Guilty ones like me;
Sending down Thy ho­ly Son
That all sin­ners might be won.

O my God, I fear Thee!
Holy, just, and true;
But, my heav­en­ly Fa­ther,
I will love Thee, too;
Guide me till this life be past,
Take me to Thy­self at last.