Scripture Verse

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in Me. John 14:1


Words: Paul­ine Sad­ler, in The Mo­dern Hym­nal, by Ro­bert H. Cole­man (Dal­las, Tex­as: Ro­bert H. Cole­man, 1926), num­ber 373.

Music: Schwarz­wald Bay­lus B. Mc­Kin­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sad­ler (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Baylus B. McKinney (1886–1952)


When the way is dark and drea­ry,
And your path would lead as­tray,
If you’ll on­ly trust in Je­sus,
He will guide you all the way.


He’ll go with you, He’ll go with you,
He’ll go with you to the end;
In your joy or in your sorrow,
He will be your dearest friend.

When your heart is sad and lonely,
And your grief is hard to bear,
If you’ll only trust in Je­sus,
He will all your sorrows share.


Though temptations come upon you,
Calling, calling day by day,
If you only trust in Je­sus,
You can ne­ver go as­tray.


When your work on earth is over,
And you reach the river wide,
Christ the Sav­ior will go with you,
He will bear you o’er the tide.
