Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Devotional Songs, by W. Howard Doane, William J. Kirkpatrick & Hubert Main (Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1903).
Music: Uttar Pradesh Hubert P. Main (🔊
When our way is hedged about us,
And our cross too great to bear,
How the soul to God is lifted,
Thro’ the wondrous power of prayer.
Only trust the Savior’s promise,
Do His will, whate’er it be;
Then our faith will hear Him saying,
Come and find a rest in Me.
O ’tis prayer that brings a blessing,
When our hope on Him is stayed;
Prayer that gives us joy and comfort,
Tho’ the answer be delayed.
O the joy of sweet communion,
When we know that He is near,
When we feel His love within us,
Casting out our every fear.
Why, O why should we be troubled,
When the Lord Himself declares,
If we call on Him believing,
He will grant our fervent prayers.