Scripture Verse

Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the Gospel of the kingdom of God. Mark 1:14


Words: Al­ice T. Criss, in On­ward and Up­ward No. 2, by Will­iam Giffe & Eph­ra­im T. Hil­de­brand (Lo­gans­port, In­di­ana: Home Mu­sic Com­pa­ny, 1900), num­ber 135.

Music: Tun­gus­ka Will­iam T. Giffe, 1900 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Criss (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William T. Giffe (1848–1926)


Oh! I love to think of Je­sus,
When I read the sto­ry o’er,
How the Sav­ior, worn and weary,
Trod the Ga­li­le­an shore;
How He taught His loved dis­ci­ples,
As they walked be­side the sea,
In the sun­shine of His pre­sence,
On the shores of Ga­li­lee.

Oh! I love to think of Je­sus,
As He jour­neyed day by day,
Hand in hand with those who loved Him,
In that land so far away,
And the wa­ters mur­mured soft­ly
As the sun­light kissed the sea,
Oh! how sweet to walk with Je­sus,
On the shores of Ga­li­lee.

Oh! I love to think of Je­sus,
When the twi­light sha­dows fall,
And the shin­ing stars of hea­ven
Smile in beau­ty over all.
Then I hear a sweet voice say­ing,
Come, My child, come un­to Me;
I will ev­er walk be­side you,
On the shores of Ga­li­lee.