He leadeth me beside the still waters.
Psalm 23:2
Words: Mary G. O’Sheridan, in Pearls of Paradise, abridged edition, by William Cooper (Chicago, Illinois: R. McCabe, 1891).
Music: William G. Cooper (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of O’Sheridan (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
O Shepherd beautiful, I pray Thee, feed me,
Forever in Thy beauteous pasture land;
Where the living waters are I pray Thee lead me,
By Thine own hand.
When comes the dawn, and dewy slopes are waking,
And fragrant flow’rs unfold to greet the light,
That thro’ the gold and rose of morning breaking,
Dispels the night.
And from the hills Thy praises are ascending,
A thousand voices, yea, a thousand more;
All in one joyous jubilate blending,
Their praise outpour.
O Shepherd beautiful, be near to guide me,
Fill all my soul with love and praise to Thee;
Let not my supplication be denied me,
Grant me to see.
The shining of Thy footsteps in the river,
To hear Thy voice far up the mountain side;
Put thou thy trust in Me, I will deliver:
For thee I died.