There remaineth…a rest for the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9
Words: C. F. O., in Praise Hymns and Full Salvation Songs, edited by Jonas Trumbauer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1898), number 117.
Music: Melody by Jonas Trumbauer (🔊
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For the people of God a rest doth remain,
Press on, precious souls, till this rest you obtain;
’Tis the rest Jesus promised, so happy and blest,
The joy of His presence, a perfect sweet rest.
O sweet rest, O sweet rest,
’Tis the rest of the soul so happy and blest;
By faith in His promise I lean on His breast;
My soul from its labor has found its sweet rest.
O how long I’d been praying to find this sweet rest,
To cease from my labor, and lean on His breast;
I am weary, dear Jesus, how soon may it be?
Low down in the valley I’m waiting for Thee.
Oh, at last I have found it, this blessèd, sweet rest,
’Tis Christ in His fullness, the Blesser possessed;
And no more weary waiting for Jesus to come,
For Christ dwelleth in me, my heart is His home.
Now the Savior is waiting, O what will you give?
And what will you suffer, this rest to receive?
Will you give up forever, count all things but loss,
To gain this great treasure, and die at the cross?