I will come again, and receive you unto Myself.
John 14:8
Words & Music: J. R. Smith, in Telling Jesus (Hudson, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1922), number 10 (🔊
If you know Smith’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I have read how the Lord,
When a babe in Bethlehem,
In a humble manger cradle was lain;
What He bore for a world which
His love would not condemn,
And I learned that He is coming back again.
He is coming back again,
And o’er the universe to reign;
He’s not coming back to die,
But will take us home on high,
Yes, our blessèd Lord is coming back again.
I have read how He died
On the cross of Calvary,
Where He shed His precious blood, and was slain;
He who preached to the poor, and
Who made the blind to see,
Told them He was surely coming back again.
Then I read how the Lord,
When the thorn crown pressed His brow,
Asked forgiveness for the evil in men;
How He told His disciples
That He must leave them now,
But He promised He was coming back again.