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Scripture Verse

When You ascended on high, You led captives in Your train. Psalm 68:18


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Psalms and Hymns 1743.

Music: Duke Street at­trib­ut­ed to John Hat­ton, 1793 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hat­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Our Lord is ris­en from the dead!
Our Je­sus is gone up on high!
The pow­ers of hell are cap­tive led,
Dragged to the por­tals of the sky.

There His tri­um­phal cha­ri­ot waits,
And an­gels chant the so­lemn lay:
Lift up your heads, you heav’n­ly gates;
Ye ev­er­last­ing doors, give way!

Loose all your bars of mas­sy light,
And wide un­fold the ether­eal scene;
He claims these man­sions as His right
Receive the King of glo­ry in!

Who is this King of glo­ry? Who?
The Lord, that all His foes o’er­came;
The world, sin, death, and hell o’er­threw;
And Je­sus is the Con­quer­or’s name.

Lo! His tri­um­phal cha­ri­ot waits,
And an­gels chant the so­lemn lay:
Lift up your heads, you heav’n­ly gates;
Ye ev­er­last­ing doors give way!

Who is the King of glo­ry, who?
The Lord of glo­ri­ous pow­er pos­sessed,
The King of saints and an­gels, too;
God ov­er all, for­ev­er blessed!