I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
John 14:6
Words: Mrs. P. R. Gibson, in Chiming Voices, edited by James H. Rosecrans & J. T. Toof (New York: Asa Hull, 1893), number 129.
Music: Tunis E. Roberts, 1893 (🔊
If you know Gibson or Roberts’ full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
To follow where the Master leads,
How safe, secure and blest,
And feel that all we have He gives,
And all He sends is best!
Our fire by night, our cloud by day,
Our light, our life, our truth, our way.
In swift obedience when His voice
Makes known His gracious will;
Whate’er it be, we will rejoice
To know He leads us still.
When, by and by, death’s river crossed,
And we have reached the strand;
Upon that shore we’ll find our lost,
And clasp our Savior’s hand.