They shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30
Words & Music: Lyman F. Jackson, in The Old Story in Song Number Two, by William J. Kirkpatrick et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Praise Publishing, 1908), number 62 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Jackson (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus gave this gracious promise
Ere from earth He went away,
That in glory He would come again,
Some bright and blessèd day!
Then He bade His true disciples
Go to nations far and near,
Telling them of His salvation
From all sorrow, sin, and fear!
He is coming! Our Lord is coming!
In the clouds of glory He will come again.
All His loved ones then shall meet Him,
And with shouts of joy shall greet Him,
When He come again in majesty to reign!
We would hail the glorious dawning
Of that glad celestial day,
When all sorrow, and all sighing
From the earth shall flee away!
And our hearts are filled with comfort
As we trust, and hope and pray,
That with our departed loved ones
We may reign with Him for aye.
O the love that gave the promise
Of that glorious day of days!
O the grace that gives us courage
To lift up our hearts in praise!
Will not fail us, when in glory
With the holy angel band,
He shall come to lead His loved ones
To that happy, heav’nly land.