Scripture Verse

The light shineth in darkness. John 1:5


Frederick D. Ogilby

Words: Fred­er­ick D. Og­il­by, in The Sun­day School Chant and Tune Book (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: E. P. Dut­ton, 1866), pag­es 138–39.

Music: Hen­ry S. Cut­ler (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pic­ture of Ogil­by,

Henry S. Cutler (1825–1902)


Our Christ­mas tree is decked once more,
In joy we meet around;
It tells of bright­er things in store;
Let sounds of praise re­sound.


The Christ­mas tree is an ev­er­green,
It blooms when frost and snow are seen;
The Christ­mas tree is for ev­er bright,
It shines with ev­er­last­ing light.

Our Christ­mas tree is fresh and green,
While skies are cold and drear;
Its har­vest store of fruit is seen,
When win­ter blights the year.


Our Christ­mas tree is shin­ing bright,
While ev­en­ing shades sur­round;
Thus God doth give His child­ren light,
When dark­ness falls around.
