Scripture Verse

The great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Revelation 6:17


William T. Dale (1845–1924)

Words: Will­iam T. Dale, Times of Re­fresh­ing, Re­vised (Ma­con, Geor­gia: J. W. Burke, 1896).

Music: G. W. Brown (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Brown’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Dale,


There’s a great judg­ment day
That is com­ing, we know,
It’s com­ing to one and all;
For the Judge shall des­cend
In His pow­er di­vine,
And judge both the great and small.


When Je­sus comes
And the judg­ment is set,
O! who will be on His right hand?
When the trum­pet shall sound,
And the na­tions have come,
O! who shall be able to stand?

Then the right­eous and wick­ed
Together shall meet,
To judg­ment they shall be brought;
And the Judge shall pro­claim
To the right­eous, Well done.
The wick­ed, I know you not.


There will be great re­joic­ing
Of hap­py ones there,
Who fol­lowed the Sav­ior here;
When they hear Him de­clare,
Come, ye bless­èd of Mine,
And en­ter My home so fair.


But there’ll be la­men­ta­tion
And mourn­ing that day,
When Je­sus shall say, De­part;
And the wick­ed shall flee
From His pre­sence away,
What rend­ing of ev­ery heart!


O! pre­pare us, dear Lord,
For Thy coming ere long,
The judg­ment of that great day;
When the saints shall re­joice
In Thy pre­sence with song,
The wick­ed be driv’n away.
