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PEACE, BE STILL (Henderson)

Scripture Verse

He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39


Words: Ad­ah T. Hen­der­son, in Light and Life Songs, ed­it­ed by Will­iam B. Olm­stead & Tho­ro Har­ris (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: W. B. Rose, 1904), num­ber 107.

Music: W. Car­roll Ra­de­baugh (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hen­der­son or Ra­de­baugh (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


There’s a song my heart is sing­ing,
Thro’ my soul the sweet tones thrill;
To my life true joy ’tis bring­ing,
In the sweet words, Peace, be still.


O my heart is soft­ly sing­ing!
Unto Him my soul is cling­ing,
Sweetest peace His words are bring­ing,
When He whis­pers, Peace, be still.

Sailing ov­er life’s rough ocean,
Raging winds the can­vas fill;
But above the storm’s com­mo­tion,
Comes the whis­per, Peace, be still.


So my life is filled with glad­ness,
And my heart bows to His will;
Lighter tri­al, pain and sad­ness,
When He whis­pers, Peace, be still.


When I cross death’s surg­ing riv­er,
And its waves my heart would chill,
With new life my soul shall qui­ver,
As He whis­pers, Peace, be still.
