Scripture Verse

…stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord. 1 Chronicles 23:30


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Jo­hann S. Patzke, as the op­en­ing hymn to his 1769 can­ta­ta Ab­els Tod (Abel’s Death). Pub­lished in Patzke’s Mu­sik­al­ische Ge­dich­te (Mag­deburg & Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny, 1780) (Lobt den Herrn! die Mor­gen­son­ne). Trans­la­tion ap­peared, with trans­lat­or un­named, in the Am­eri­can Uni­ta­ri­an Che­shire As­so­cia­tion’s Col­lect­ion, 1844, num­ber 692. It is in 4 st., st. i., ii., be­ing fair­ly close trs. of st. i., ii., of the Ger­man, while st. iii., iv. are prac­ti­cal­ly orig­in­al Eng­lish stan­zas (Ju­li­an, page 886).

Music: St. Syl­ves­ter John B. Dykes, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Johann S. Patzke (1727–1787)


Praise the Lord, when blush­ing morn­ing
Wakes the blos­soms fresh with dew;
Praise Him when re­vived cre­ation
Beams with beau­ties fair and new.

Praise the Lord, and may His bless­ing
Guide us in the way of truth;
Keep our feet from paths of er­ror,
Make us ho­ly in our youth.

Praise the Lord when ear­ly breez­es
Come so frag­rant from the flow­ers;
Praise thou wil­low by the brook-side,
Praise, ye birds among the bow­ers.