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Scripture Verse

Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously. Exodus 15:21


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Rhijn­vis Feith (1753–1824) (Loof den Kon­ing, alle Vol­ken). Trans­lat­ed from Dutch to Eng­lish by James Mont­go­me­ry, Jan­ua­ry 10, 1828, & pub­lished in his Orig­in­al Hymns, 1853.

Music: Sleep­ers, Wake Phi­lipp Ni­co­lai, 1599 (🔊 ).


March of the Israelites
A. Laby, 1888

Praise the Lord through ev­ery na­tion;
His ho­ly arm hath wrought sal­va­tion;
Exalt Him on His Fa­ther’s throne;
Praise your king, ye Chris­tian le­gions,
Who now pre­pares in heav’n­ly re­gions
Unfailing man­sions for His own;
With voice and min­strel­sy
Extol His ma­jes­ty: Al­le­lu­ia!
His praise shall sound all na­ture round,
Where’er the race of man is found.

God with God do­min­ion shar­ing,
And Man with man our im­age bear­ing,
Gentile and Jew to Him are giv­en;
Praise your Sav­ior, ran­somed sin­ners,
Of life, through Him, im­mor­tal win­ners;
No long­er heirs of earth, but Heav­en.
O bea­ti­fic light
To view His face in light; Al­le­luia!
And, while we see, trans­formed to be
From bliss to bliss eter­nal­ly.

Jesus, Lord, our cap­tain glo­ri­ous,
O’er sin, and death, and hell vic­tor­ious,
Wisdom and might to Thee be­long:
We con­fess, pro­claim, adore Thee,
We bow the knee, we fall be­fore Thee,
Thy love hence­forth shall be our song:
The cross mean­while we bear,
The crown ere long to wear. Al­le­lu­ia!
Thy reign ex­tend world with­out end,
Let praise from all to Thee as­cend.