Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously.
Exodus 15:21
Words: Rhijnvis Feith (1753–1824) (Loof den Koning, alle Volken). Translated from Dutch to English by James Montgomery, January 10, 1828, & published in his Original Hymns, 1853.
Music: Sleepers, Wake Philipp Nicolai, 1599 (🔊
Praise the Lord through every nation;
His holy arm hath wrought salvation;
Exalt Him on His Father’s throne;
Praise your king, ye Christian legions,
Who now prepares in heav’nly regions
Unfailing mansions for His own;
With voice and minstrelsy
Extol His majesty: Alleluia!
His praise shall sound all nature round,
Where’er the race of man is found.
God with God dominion sharing,
And Man with man our image bearing,
Gentile and Jew to Him are given;
Praise your Savior, ransomed sinners,
Of life, through Him, immortal winners;
No longer heirs of earth, but Heaven.
O beatific light
To view His face in light; Alleluia!
And, while we see, transformed to be
From bliss to bliss eternally.
Jesus, Lord, our captain glorious,
O’er sin, and death, and hell victorious,
Wisdom and might to Thee belong:
We confess, proclaim, adore Thee,
We bow the knee, we fall before Thee,
Thy love henceforth shall be our song:
The cross meanwhile we bear,
The crown ere long to wear. Alleluia!
Thy reign extend world without end,
Let praise from all to Thee ascend.