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Scripture Verse

A name which is above every name. Philippians 2:9


Words: Belle M. Heyl, in Songs of Love and Praise No. 4, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney, Hen­ry L. Gil­mour & J. How­ard Ent­wisle (Philadelphia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1897), num­ber 168.

Music: Ad­am Gei­bel (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Heyl (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Adam Geibel (1855–1933)


Praise the name of Christ in Heav­en,
Children sing with glad ac­claim;
Praise Him du­ly, serve Him tru­ly,
Spread abroad His glo­ri­ous fame;
He so king­ly, we so low­ly,
We so sin­ful, He so ho­ly;
Yet He, self for­get­ting, hears us
When we call up­on His name.


Glad hal­le­lu­jahs,
Joyful we bring to Je­sus our king;
Glad hal­le­lu­jahs
Be Thine for­ev­er­more;
Glad hal­le­lu­jahs,
Joyful we bring to Je­sus our king;
Glad hal­le­lu­jahs
Be Thine for­ev­er­more.

Praise Him in the ear­ly morn­ing,
When by rest re­freshed anew;
Nature wak­ing, praise is mak­ing,
Let us hum­bly wor­ship, too;
We so fee­ble, He so glo­ri­ous,
He o’er sin and death vic­tor­ious;
By the hand He kind­ly leads us
All our earth­ly jour­ney through.


Praise Him when the day is end­ing,
When the weary need re­pose;
Seek His bless­ing, sin con­fess­ing,
Ere in sleep the eye­lids close;
While in safe­ty we are sleep­ing
He is lov­ing vi­gil keep­ing;
Oh, ad­ore Him, kneel be­fore Him
As His child­ren, not His foes.
