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Scripture Verse

The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness…of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord. Jeremiah 33:11


Words: May M. An­der­son, 1906.

Music: John T. Ben­son (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of An­der­son or Ben­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Yes, Je­sus has saved me, O blest be His name!
Has saved me from sin and its pow­er;
I came a poor sin­ner con­fess­ing my guilt;
I asked for for­give­ness; I cried If Thou wilt!
And He saved me that ve­ry same hour.


I praise Him for grace
That was sent from ab­ove,
To save a lost sin­ner from hell.
I praise Him for mer­cy, I praise Him for love,
Too won­drous for mor­tal to tell.

I hun­gered for right­eous­ness, blest be His name!
He an­swered me, Thou shalt be filled!
I yield­ed Him ev­ery­thing man doth de­sire;
He showed me cor­rupt­ion, then cleansed me with fire,
And His love thro’ my whole be­ing thrilled.


He keeps me so sweet­ly thro’ sor­row and pain,
That I praise Him by day and by night;
No cloud is so black that His love can­not fill;
He hides me in dark­ness, He hold­eth me still,
Till the gloom soft­ly fades in­to light.


He lead­eth me gent­ly, and woos me along
To heights ev­er loom­ing above;
I gaze in His face while I walk the lone way,
And winds that are win­try, grow bal­my as May,
’Neath the breath of His in­fi­nite love.
