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Scripture Verse

God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


William T. Dale (1845–1924)

Words: Will­iam F. Cos­ner, in the Gos­pel Praise Book, ed­it­ed by Asa Hull (New York: D. W. Knowles, 1879).

Music: White Plains Will­iam T. Dale (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a better pho­to of Dale or Cos­ner, would you send us an e-mail?

William F. Cosner (1845–1880)


Ah! this heart shall cease its long­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!
Where no anx­ious cares are throng­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!
Now a heavy bur­den press­es,
And I walk thro’ thor­ny plac­es,
Till my wea­ry wan­der­ing ceas­es,
Safe at home! safe at home!

There I’ll see no tem­pest rag­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!
Sin no war­fare wild is wag­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!
When shall come the bliss­ful wak­ing,
Where no pain­ful head is ach­ing,
Where no throb­bing heart is break­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!

There are friends who with me part­ed,
Safe at home! safe at home!
No more wan­der­ing brok­en heart­ed,
Safe at home! safe at home!
Undisturbed while storms are sweep­ing,
Calmly now the loved are sleep­ing,
Ever in their Fa­ther’s keep­ing,
Safe at home! safe at home!

Dear ones gone be­fore will meet me,
Safe at home! safe at home!
At the pear­ly gate will greet me,
Safe at home! safe at home!
Savior, dear­est Sav­ior, hear me,
I am wea­ry, be Thou near me,
Oh, sus­tain me till Thou cheer me,
Safe at home! safe at home!