Scripture Verse

His salvation is nigh them that fear Him. Psalm 85:9


Johann Schein (1586–1630)

Words: Is­aac Watts, The Psalms of Da­vid 1719, alt. Sal­va­tion by Christ.

Music: Leip­zig (Schein) Jo­hann H. Schein, 1628. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach (1685–1750) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Salvation is for ev­er nigh
The souls that fear and trust the Lord;
And grace des­cend­ing from on high
Fresh hopes of glo­ry shall af­ford.

Mercy and truth on earth are met,
Since Christ the Lord came down from Heav’n;
By His obe­di­ence so com­plete
Justice is pleased, and peace is giv’n.

Now truth and hon­or shall abound,
Religion dwell on earth again,
And heav’n­ly in­flu­ence bless the ground
In our Re­deem­er’s gen­tle reign.

His right­eous­ness is gone be­fore
To give us ac­cess free to God;
Our wan­der­ing feet shall stray no more,
But mark His steps and keep the road.