He satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry with good things.
Psalm 107:9
Words: E. G. Masters, in Songs of the Evening Light, edited by Barney E. Warren & Andrew L. Byers (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Company, 1897), number 146.
Music: Royapettah E. G. Masters, 1897 (🔊
If you know Masters’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I’m satisfied with Jesus,
He’s everything to me;
He saved my soul from torment,
And awful misery.
He gave me peace and plenty,
And more than I deserved,
And since my Savior found me,
Him I have gladly served.
I’m satisfied with Jesus,
And I will tell you why:
He sanctified my nature
And fitted me to die;
He filled me with His glory
And leads me every day,
And keeps me now from falling,
And in the holy way.
I’m satisfied with Jesus,
I find He’s all I need;
He healed me soul and body,
And makes me whole indeed;
He gives me food and raiment,
And all I eat and wear,
He beareth all my burdens,
My sorrows and my care.
I’m satisfied with Jesus,
Whatever He may do,
And this same satisfaction
Is waiting now for you;
I’m satisfied with Jesus,
Wherever I may be,
And while I now obey Him,
He’s satisfied with me.