Scripture Verse

The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry. Psalm 34:15


Words: Su­san­na Har­ris­on, Songs in the Night (Ip­swich, Eng­land: Pun­chard & Jer­myn, 1780), pag­es 123–24, alt.

Music: Ben­gha­zi A. J. Ro­bert­son, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know Ro­bert­son’s full name, where to get a better pho­to of him, or a good pic­ture of Har­ris­on (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

A. J. Robertson


Say, is this wild, corrupted nation
Blest with a few who seek the Lord?
Say, is there one in every station
Who loves t’obey Je­ho­vah’s word?

Are all agreed t’increase the sadness
Of such a dark and gloomy time?
Do all run on in headstrong madness,
And scorn repentance for the crime?

Is this, indeed, our sad condition?
No: let me bless the God of grace!
There are a few who with contrition
Lament for sin before His face.

Let me encourage their confession,
Their strong entreaties for this land!
Though ’tis a time of great trans­gress­ion,
Yet, surely, God is still at hand.

Ye humble souls, pray without ceasing,
To you the Lord will lend an ear;
While sins and judgments are increasing,
O pray in faith and persevere.

O pray, nor be too much dejected,
Ask all in Je­su’s worthy name!
Your suit shall ne­ver be rejected,
Through Him we may forgiveness claim.

Come, sinners, join in each petition,
Nor tempt the Lord by your delay:
He gives repentance and remission
To all who do sincerely pray.

Let every soul in every station
Join their assistance—who can tell
But God may turn and bless this nation,
And send contention down to hell.