Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Isaiah 6:8
Words: W. T. Morris, in Epworth Praises, edited by Charles H. Gabriel (Chicago, Illinois: Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1909).
Music: Mrs. W. T. Morris (🔊
If you know the author or composer’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
O’er the mountain, thro’ the valley,
Or e’en where the dark waters flow;
Into crowded street or alley,
Should my Savior call me, I’ll go.
He found me lost and forsaken;
My heart from sin He made free;
And now, with courage unshaken,
I answer, Here, Lord, send me.
Send me, O Lord, on a mission!
Whenever, wherever it be,
In willing and loyal submission,
I’ll answer, Here, Lord, send me.
To the dwellings of the lowly,
Or mansions all stately and grand,
With the message pure and holy,
I will go at my Lord’s command.
No matter where I am needed,
At home, or over the sea,
His call will ever be heeded,
I’ll answer, Here, Lord, send me.
O if I can only lighten
The burden of someone oppressed;
Or by deeds of kindness brighten
For a moment some life distressed,
I’ll gladly work in God’s vineyard,
His humble servant will be;
And when He calleth for laborers,
I’ll answer, Here, Lord, send me.