The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
John 1:14
Words: Charles Coffin, in the Paris Breviary, 1736 (Missum Redemptorum Polo). Translated from Latin to English by W. M. A.,
1883. Appeared in Annus Sanctus, Volume 1, edited by Orby Shipley (London & New York: Burns & Oates, 1884), page 35, alt.
Music: Louvan Virgil C. Taylor, Choral Anthems (Boston, Massachusetts: 1850) (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know the translator, or where to get a good photo of him or Taylor (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Sent from His heav’nly throne on high,
Let all the world beneath the sky
Adore the Savior newly come,
The Prince born today of virgin womb.
He who created Heaven and earth
Is clothèd in frame of mortal birth;
That flesh by flesh may be set free,
Nor His own creatures ruined be.
The Word which ere time’s course began,
Forth from His Father’s bosom ran,
Obedient now to time and to death
A helpless Infant draws its breath.
On straw the Almighty lays His head,
Nor spurns the manger for His bed;
And He who all creation feeds
The milk of human mother needs.
They guide the starry spheres, those hands
That now are wrapped in swathing bands;
All weak and weeping there He lies,
That He may raise us to the skies.
Hope of the whole wide earth, that Child,
Who calls us to His cradle mild,
How of such love our fitness prove
Save by return of answering love?
All honor, laud and glory be
O Jesus, Mary’s Son, to Thee;
To Father and the Spirit praise
Now and through endless length of days.