Scripture Verse

I saw…the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and His train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims…And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:1–3


Words: Tho­mas Mc­Cull­agh, 1879.

Music: Ischgl Ty­ro­le­an tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mc­Cull­agh (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Seraphs laud Thee, God the Fa­ther,
In the sweet­est, nob­lest lays;
Can it be that Thou wouldst rather
Listen un­to child­ren’s praise?
Yes; Thou heark­en­est to our voic­es,
Children’s voic­es though they be;
Take the glo­ry each re­joic­es,
Lord of all, to ren­der Thee.

Cherubs praise Thee, God the Sav­ior,
In sub­lim­est strains above;
Wilt Thou grant to us Thy fa­vor,
And ac­cept of child­ren’s love?
Yes; Thou list­en­est to our sing­ing,
Children’s sing­ing though it be;
Take the hearts we all are bring­ing,
Sovereign Son, to Thee, to Thee.

Angels praise Thee, God the Spir­it,
Source of life and light and truth;
Wilt Thou, for the Sav­ior’s merit,
Hear the simp­ler songs of youth?
Thou re­ceiv’st our ado­ra­tion,
Children’s hom­age though it be;
Make our hearts a new cre­ation,
Holy Spir­it, fit for Thee.

Triune God, the hea­vens hail Thee,
Harpers, choirs, and white robed throng,
Nor shall child­ren’s voices fail Thee
In the uni­ver­sal song.
Now re­ceive our high­est prais­es,
Children’s prais­es though they be;
Then to bliss at last upraise us,
Triune God, to wor­ship Thee.