The business of the Lord, and in the service of the king.
1 Chronicles 26:30
Words: William Shaw & John R. Clements, Service Songs (Boston, Massachusetts: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1913), number 1.
Music: California Edwin O. Excell (🔊 ).
If you know where to get a good photo of Shaw (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Service is our watchword,
Service for our king;
Service, fruitful service,
Daily ours to bring.
Service for the needy,
Service for the lost,
Self upon the altar;
Counting not the cost.
Service in the homeland
Where’er sounds the call;
Sacrificial service
Reaching unto all;
Service pure, exalted;
Loyal and unpriced;
Living, loving channels,
Bearing forth the Christ.
Service o’er the ocean,
Serving not for gain;
Meeting every duty,
Be it toil or pain;
Service that is Christly,
Giving up to God
Every selfish motive;
Treading where Christ trod.