You shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:24
Words: J. C. Myers, in Gospel Songs and Hymns No. 1, edited by George B. Holsinger (Bridgewater, Virginia: George B. Holsinger, 1898), number 116.
Music: C. William Roller (🔊
If you know Myers or Roller’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Bright the hours of morning, when our hearts are strong;
As we toil for Jesus, who hath loved us long;
We with joyful spirits serve Him as we roam,
On toward His palace, each day nearer home.
Working for Jesus, hearts full of love,
Jesus is watching, watching above;
Waiting to help us when we are tired,
Ready e’er to shield us, close by His side.
All our cheerful service, all our songs of praise,
Be to Him who loved us, in our sinful days;
How we toil rejoicing, as His gentle hand
Leads His trusting children home to fatherland.
As the day advances, brighter to its close
Grows the way if ever hopes in Christ repose;
His blest word of promise, we are holding fast;
He will guide and keep us, safely till the last.