Scripture Verse

The shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Isaiah 32:2


Words: An­nie E. Thom­son, in New Pearls of Song, ed­it­ed by Frank Da­vis (Ro­ches­ter, New York: Jo­seph P. Shaw, 1877), page 50.

Music: Frank M. Da­vis (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thom­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frank M. Davis (1839–1896)


In a wea­ry land I wan­der,
And with fal­ter­ing steps I walk;
But I soon shall rest up yonder
In the sha­dow of the Rock.


In the sha­dow of the Rock,
In the sha­dow of the Rock,
I will soon be rest­ing yon­der
In the sha­dow of the Rock.

Here my toils are una­bat­ing,
And rude cares about me mock;
But my rest is yon­der wait­ing,
In the sha­dow of the Rock.


In these pas­tures fair and ver­nal,
With my Shep­herd’s chos­en flock
I shall feast on joys eter­nal
In the shad­ow of the Rock.


By these wa­ters gent­ly flow­ing,
I shall fear no tem­pest’s shock,
And no want or grief be know­ing,
In the sha­dow of the Rock.


So with p­atient faith I’ll wan­der,
And with lov­ing trust will walk,
For I’ll soon be rest­ing yon­der
In the sha­dow of the Rock.
