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Scripture Verse

I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


Words: Ed­ward J. Bell­er­by, cir­ca 1894. First pub­lished in the Church Mis­sion­ary So­ci­ety’s Glean­er, Feb­ru­ary 1896, page 31.

Music: Mar­gate Ed­ward J. Bell­er­by (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bell­er­by (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Shine on me, O Lord Je­sus,
And let me ev­er know
The grace that shone from Cal­va­ry,
Where Thou didst love me so.
My child, I am thy Sav­ior,
’Tis not what thou dost feel,
But Mine own gra­cious pro­mise
Which does thy par­don seal.

Shine in me, O Lord Je­sus,
And let Thy search­ing light
Reveal each hid­den pur­pose,
Each thought as in Thy sight.
My child, I am thy Search­er,
I try each lov­ing heart,
For I would have most ho­ly
All who in Me have part.

Shine through me then, Lord Je­sus,
That all the world may see
The life I live is Thy life,
And thus be drawn to Thee.
My child, I am thy pow­er;
With those who hear My voice
I ev­er dwell, and use them,
Thus mak­ing them re­joice.

Shine out, shine out, Lord Je­sus;
Thou light of all the world;
O let Thy Gos­pel ban­ner
Be ev­ery­where un­furled.
My child, hast thou for­got­ten
That name is al­so thine?
My fruit is borne on branch­es,
Not by the par­ent vine.

Arise and shine, Lord Je­sus,
Thou Bright and Morn­ing Star;
I long for Thine ap­pear­ing,
When peace shall fol­low war.
My child, be­fore I ga­ther
My fa­mi­ly in one,
Its num­ber needs com­plet­ing;
Towards thus, what hast thou done?

Alas, al­as, Lord Je­sus,
My life has been but vain,
How lit­tle sa­tis­fact­ion
Have I brought for Thy pain!
My child, I still de­sire thee;
Go, spread the news afar;
Then shalt thou shine in Heav­en
With glo­ry like a star.