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Scripture Verse

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed. Psalm 41:3


Simpson Ely (1849–1908)

Words: Simp­son Ely, Lov­ing Voic­es (St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: Chris­tian Pub­lish­ing, 1887), num­ber 179: De­di­cat­ed to all in­va­lids.

Music: Charles H. Hum­phrey (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hum­phrey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Shut in from all the out­er world,
From all its strife and din;
My ears ne’er greet its jar­ring sound,
Nor eyes be­hold its sin.
Shut in with self and with my God,
Oh, let this thought, this thought con­sole;
Tho’ many out­er joys I miss,
I’ve Heav’n with­in my soul!
Tho’ ma­ny out­er joys I miss,
I’ve Heav’n with­in my soul!

Shut in, but Christ is ev­er near,
Oh, bless­èd be His name!
His pre­sence ban­ish­es my fear
And helps me bear my pain.
Oh, sweet com­pan­ion­ship with Him,
My Life, my Light, my Joy, my Love!
He fills my cup up to the brim,
With bless­ings from above;
He fills my cup up to the brim,
With bless­ings from above.

Shut in: but God alone can tell
How long this woe may last;
No mat­ter, for I know full well
That when ’tis ov­er­past,
Then on the hills of Beu­lah-land,
Free from all care, all care and sin,
And, free from sor­row, pain and death,
I’ll no more be shut in;
And, free from sor­row, pain and death,
I’ll no more be shut in.