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Scripture Verse

He sent out His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction. Psalm 107:20


James Montgomery
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: James Mont­gom­ery, Sac­red Po­ems and Hymns (New York: D. Ap­ple­ton, 1854), num­ber 292. Thanks­giv­ing for the re­mov­al of the cho­le­ra from Shef­field, 1832.

Music: Dar­wall’s 148th John Dar­wall, in The New Uni­vers­al Psal­mo­dist, by Aar­on Will­iams, 1770 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Dar­wall (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Sing Hal­le­lu­jah; sing
Glory to God alone!
Bring your obla­tions, bring
Thank of­fer­ings to the throne;
Take words of joy, of com­fort take,
Awake to love, to life awake.

The Lord put forth His hand,
He touched us and we died;
Vengeance went through the land,
But mer­cy walked be­side;
He heard our pray­ers; He saw our tears,
And stayed the plague, and quelled our fears.

What shall we give to Thee?
O Thou, whose pur­er eyes
Behold ini­qui­ty
In man’s best sac­ri­fice?
Ourselves we give, but rest our claim
On Christ, and know no oth­er name.

For Jesus’ sake for­give
Thy peo­ple, Lord, and spare,
To Him and Thee to live,
For Thine and His we are;
Thy quick­en­ing Spir­it gave us breath,
Thy Son, by death, has con­quered death.