Scripture Verse

Go, and sin no more. John 8:11


Charles C. McCabe (1836–1906)

Words: Charles C. Mc­Cabe, in The Ark of Praise, ed­it­ed by John R. Swe­ney (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1882), page 39.

Music: Gig­gles­wick Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Pieter Brueghel the Younger, 1600
Wikimedia Commons

When did ev­er words so ten­der
Fall on mor­tal ears before,
As the bless­èd words of Je­sus—
Go thy way, and sin no more.
Pardoned! oh, that word of rap­ture!
As I knelt at mer­cy’s door,
Burdened with my sin and sor­row
Go thy way, and sin no more.

Jesus spake, and then the pow­er
Of His great sal­va­tion came;
All the bonds of sin were brok­en;
Glory! glo­ry! to His name.
Rise, for­giv’n, O child of sor­row;
Rise, for lo! thy light hath come;
Put thy beau­te­ous gar­ments on thee;
Take thy staff, and jour­ney home.

I will know the way thou tak­est
Till thou stand on Ca­naan’s shore;
Never, ne­ver will I leave thee;
Go thy way, and sin no more.
From the world I will not take thee
Till the bat­tle strife is o’er;
From its ev­il I will keep thee;
Go thy way, and sin no more.

Oh, the fight! I’ve learned to love it,
For the vic­to­ry is mine;
In the cross of Christ I glo­ry,
Triumphing in love di­vine.
O the dawn of Hea­ven’s glo­ry!
O the day that has no night!
O the sun that finds no ze­nith!
O the host in rai­ment bright!

O, the King who dwells among them
In His beau­ty I shall see;
Heav’n shall ring with loud ho­san­nas
Unto Him who died for me.
But, ’mid all the joys of Hea­ven,
I will ne’er for­get the hour
When my Sav­ior said, For­giv­en!
Go thy way, and sin no more!