Scripture Verse

Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth. 1 Samuel 3:10


Johan Schop (1590–1667)

Words: An­na So­phia of Hess­en-Darm­stadt, Der treue Seel­en-Freund Chris­tus Je­sus (Je­na, Ger­ma­ny: 1658) (Rede, lieb­ster Je­su). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by George A. Rygh, 1909.

Music: Werde mun­ter Jo­hann Schop, 1642 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of An­na So­phia or Rygh (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Speak, O Lord, Thy ser­vant hear­eth,
To Thy Word I now give heed;
Life and spir­it Thy Word bear­eth,
All Thy Word is true in­deed.
Death’s dread pow­er in me is rife;
Jesus, may Thy Word of Life
Fill my soul with love’s strong fer­vor
That I cling to Thee for­ev­er.

Oh, what bless­ing to be near Thee
And to heark­en to Thy voice;
May I ev­er love and fear Thee
That Thy Word may be my choice!
Oft were hard­ened sin­ners, Lord,
Struck with ter­ror by Thy Word;
But to him who for sin griev­eth
Comfort sweet and hope it giv­eth.

Lord, Thy words are wa­ters liv­ing
Where I quench my thirs­ty need;
Lord, Thy words are bread life-giv­ing,
On Thy words my soul doth feed.
Lord, Thy words shall be my light
Through death’s vale and drea­ry night;
Yea, they are my sword pre­vail­ing
And my cup of joy un­fail­ing.

Precious Je­sus, I be­seech Thee,
May Thy words take root in me;
May this gift from Heav’n en­rich me
So that I bear fruit for Thee!
Take them ne­ver from my heart
Till I see Thee as Thou art,
When in heav’n­ly bliss and glo­ry
I shall greet Thee and adore Thee.